2.7 List of Base Commands

These are most of the commands available to every character in Aetolia. They do not have to be typed in all caps!

-- Information about your Character --------------------------------------------
SCORE, SC ........ Gives you the most basic information about your character.
STATUS, STAT ..... Shows you some information about your current status.
I, INVENTORY, EQ . Lists the equipment you possess.
QI, QUESTINV ..... Lists the special quest items you are currently holding.
INFO INV, II ..... Lists the unique, identifying numbers of your equipment.
DEF, DEFENCES .... This will list various defences that you may have.
SKILLS, AB ....... List what skills you have.
AB <skillname> ... See what abilities you have in a skill.
WIELDED .......... See what you are wielding.
GODFEELINGS ...... See how the Gods feel about you currently.
CREDIT REPORT .... See how many credits you have.
CURRENCY REPORT .. See how much gold, credits, and iron coins you have.
HUNGER ........... See how hungry you are.
FATIGUE .......... See how tired you are.
SOBRIETY ......... See how drunk you are.

-- Communication ---------------------------------------------------------------
SAY, ', " ......... Say something to everyone in your location. Note that there
                    are some other verbs that work similarly to say. For
                    instance: sing, whine, mutter, snarl, declare, and scream.
YELL <text> ....... Yell something to everyone in your immediate area.
SHOUT <text> ...... Shout something out for everyone in the land to hear.
TELL <name> ....... Remote communication with another player. This can also be
                    done just by typing a player's name followed by the text
                    you wish to send.
TELLSOFF .......... Stop listening to tells.
TELLSON ........... Start listening to tells.
NEWBIE <text> ..... Speak on the newbie channel.
NEWBIEOFF/ON ...... Toggle the newbie channel on or off.
YELLSOFF/ON ....... Toggle whether or not you can hear yelling.
SHOUTSOFF/ON ...... Toggle whether or not you can hear worldwide shouts.
EMOTE <text> ...... Send text to everyone in the room. HELP EMOTES.
POSE <text> ....... Adopt a pose visible to others in the room. HELP POSE.
MSG <name> ........ Send a message to someone that can be viewed at their
MESSAGES .......... See a summary of your messages. HELP MESSAGES.
SHOWMSG, RMSG <#> . See a message in full detail.
DELMSG <#>, DM .... Delete a message.
DELMSG ALL ........ Delete all your messages.
CMSG .............. Clear your message file.
NEWS .............. Enter the news room to create/read news. See HELP NEWS.
RN ................ Read the next unread news post.
READNEWS <ct> <#> . Read a specific news post outside of the news room.
NSTAT ............. See a brief summary of news posts.
NSTAT CATCHUP ..... Mark all news as read.
POSE <text> ....... Set a custom or simple pose. See HELP POSE.

-- Item Manipulation -----------------------------------------------------------
G, GET, TAKE ..... Gets an item from the ground or from a container.
DROP ............. Drops an item in the room.
GIVE ............. Give an item to another being. The syntax to give gold to
                   someone is: GIVE <amount> GOLD to <whomever>.
PUT .............. Puts an item in another item. (PUT <thing> IN <container>)
PLACE ............ Places an item upon a surface. (PLACE <thing> ON <furniture)
EX, EXAMINE ...... Examine an item to see what it looks like, or to see how
                   hard to kill a creature might be.
P, PROBE ......... Identical to EXAMINE, but provides more information.
WEAR ............. Wear an item that you hold. Not everything can be worn.
REMOVE ........... Remove an item that you are wearing.
WIELD ............ Wield an item. WIELD LEFT/RIGHT <item> to wield something in
                   a specific hand.
UNWIELD .......... Cease wielding an item. UNWIELD LEFT/RIGHT to put away the
                   item in a specific hand.
OPEN/CLOSE ....... For use with containers, doors, or applicable clothing, such
                   as jackets or parasols.
LOCK/UNLOCK ...... To secure or unlock a container or door.
THROW ............ Hurl an item. See HELP THROWING.
POINT ............ POINT <item> AT <thing/player>. You must have the item that
                   you are going to point in your inventory. You may also POINT
                   <thing/player/direction> to indicate with your finger,
SHIFT ............ SHIFT <item> TO <location>. Will shift a worn item from one
                   location to another. (Ex: SHIFT GOGGLES TO HEAD)
DYEKIT ........... Allows you to dye a piece of clothing, provided you own a
                   dye kit. See HELP DYEKIT.
PRESENT .......... PRESENT <item> TO <person>. An alternative to giving, this
                   gives the target the choice of accepting the item.

-- Information Gathering -------------------------------------------------------
LOOK, L ............ See a full description of the location you are in.
QL ................. AKA "quicklook." See an abbreviated description of your
GL ................. AKA "glance." See an abbreviated description of an adjacent
GREET <npc> ........ Greet an NPC. This is how you can get them to speak with
                     you, potentially gaining information and/or quests. Not
                     all NPCs will respond however.
MAP ................ View a text-based rendered map of the surrounding area.
INFO HERE, IH ...... See the unique item numbers of the things in your location.
WHO ................ See a long listing of players visible to you. Certain
                     skills and consumables may affect this list.
BW, QW, QWHO, BWHO . AKA "briefwho", or "quickwho". A shortened list of online
                     players visible to you.
WARES .............. See what is for sale in a shop.
EXITS .............. Display the exits from the room.
GOSSIP ............. Gather gossip from the local area if you're in a city, 
                     village or public pub/tavern.
HOLIDAYS ........... View a list of holidays.
PRONOUNS <person>... Display a target player's pronouns.

-- Combat ----------------------------------------------------------------------
COOLDOWNS ..... View what abilities you have on cooldown.
FIRSTAID ...... Configure the first aid system. HELP FIRSTAID.
CURESET ....... Configure your curesets via the first aid system. HELP CURESET.
COMPOSE ....... Purge fear from yourself.
CONCENTRATE ... Regain equilibrium if you have become "disrupted."
RECOUP ........ Recover balance if you have been "dazed."
WRITHE ........ Escape from hindering entanglements. HELP WRITHE.
PUNCH/KICK .... Weak attacks, usable by anyone. Not recommended.
EAT ........... Eat curative pills or food. See HELP HEALINGYOURSELF.
DRINK, SIP .... Drink a liquid, such as a healing elixir or beverage.
APPLY ......... Used to apply salves to your body. For instance, APPLY MENDING
                TO ARMS. See HELP HEALINGYOURSELF for extended information on
MEDITATE, MED . Regain mana and willpower.
SLEEP ......... Regain health and endurance.
SET WARCRY .... Set your warcry.
WARCRY ........ Scream out your warcry.
STAND ......... Stand up if you have fallen down. Some afflictions may prevent
                you from being able to stand, and must be cured first.

-- Guild -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Your guild may provide different commands. Type GUILD PRIVS for more info.
GWHO ................ See who from your guild is online.
GUILDTELL, GT ....... Communicate with your guild. Novices cannot see this
GMEMBERS, GMEM ...... See the active members in your guild.
GMEMBERS DORMANT .... See members in your guild who have not logged on recently.
GUILDFAVOUR ......... Formally honour a fellow guildmember.
GUILDDISFAVOUR ...... Place a black mark against a fellow guildmember.
QUIT <guildname> .... Quits the guild that you belong to.
GUILD ANNOUNCEMENTS . See current events and notices in your guild.

-- City ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWHO ............... See who is online from your city.
CITYTELL, CT ....... Tell something to all the online citizens of your city.
CNT ................ Ask or answer something on your city's novice-specific
CITIZENS ........... See every active member of your city.
CITIZENS DORMANT ... See the dormant members of your city.
CITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . See current events and notices for your city.

-- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------
CONFIG ........ Opens up the config menu where you can customize Aetolia. You
                should definitely give this a look!
VERBOSE ....... Get long descriptions of rooms when moving around.
BRIEF ......... Get only the short descriptions of a room when moving around.
QUIT, QQ ...... Logs you out of the game. There is no need to "save" your
DATE .......... See the Aetolian date.
TIME .......... See the real time.
REGISTER ...... Register your personal details with the system. This allows you
                to retrieve your password easily, and will ensure your
                character is not quickly deleted (this does not make your
                character permanent!).
LANDMARKS ..... View a list of prominent landmarks. HELP LANDMARKS.
DESCRIBE SELF . Describe to the world how your character looks.
ENEMY/UNENEMY . Add or remove someone from your enemies list. This affects a
                number of skills in Aetolia.
ALLY/UNALLY ... Add or remove someone from your allies list. This affects a
                number of skills in Aetolia.
! ............. Repeat your last command.
!! ............ Repeat your second last command.
PORTALS ....... Return to the Room of Portals if you are lost. HELP PORTALS.
FLIPCOIN ...... Flip a coin. Heads or tails, no one knows.
STONECLOTHSWORD Initiate a good old fashioned game of stone-cloth-sword.
TIMEOUT ....... Set the number of minutes the system should allow you to be AFK
                before disconnecting you.
BIRTHDAYS ..... Shows you who has a birthday today.
HONORS ........ Gives you some information about another player.
PASSWORD ...... Change your password.
CONVERT ....... Convert credits to lessons. HELP LESSONGAIN.
RANKINGS ...... See a list of the top-ranked players.
EXPLORERS ..... See who has uncovered the most of the land of Sapience.
LEARN ......... Commence a lesson in a skill from a mobile or player. See HELP
DEPOSIT ....... Deposit some money in a bank. See HELP BANKING.
WITHDRAW ...... Withdraw some money from your account.
SCRUB ......... When you are particularly smelly, scrubbing yourself in a river
                or lake is quite effective.
STAREDOWN ..... Stare down another player. You might intimidate them, or get
                put in your place!
RATS, VERMIN .. Toggle whether or not you pay attention to vermin. HELP VERMIN.
PLANTS ON/OFF . Toggle whether or not you see growing plants in room
WEATHER ON/OFF. Toggle whether or not you see general weather conditions in
                room descriptions.
OUTLOOK ....... View a brief description of the current weather.
VIEW MOON ..... View the current phase of the moon, if it is visible. HELP
REINCARNATE ... Change your race and/or statpack. HELP REINCARNATION.
NAMECHANGE .... Allows you to change your name, provided you have played under
                30 hours, and have not changed it before.
COPYCOLOURS ... Copy the colour configuration of a pre-existing character
                belonging to you. Both need to be registered to the same email
COPYCONFIG .... Copy all configuration options (CONFIG) from one character to
                another. Uses the same restrictions as COPYCOLOURS.
KILLSTATS ..... Displays some statistics on kills from the past week.
DEATHSTATS .... Same as KILLSTATS, except for deaths.
TODO .......... Maintain a list of things you need to do!