Character Portal

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Who is Playing

Amathes, Anya, Arista, Ashyn, Axius, Azvameth, Bazias, Bellara, Cadet, Csethiro, Dellingr, Eaku, Edhain, Edusal, Elene, Eliadon, Ennis, Eretia, Fyryan, Grimdale, Gyrinno, Haleth, Iadora, Iko, Jeromy, Katie, Kirnan, Legyn, Leomaris, Lin, Linelo, Lirith, Llancarfan, Losnor, Madysyn, Matigas, Minataro, Naia, Nawan, Niaxe, Noube, Oridez, Orivek, Pietre, Qayon, Qem, Rou, Sekeres, Seurimas, Sheryni, Sibatti, Sinclair, Solen, Sylara, Tulle, Unraki, Varshatesh, Whirran, Xendei, Zenobia
Total: 72 players online.

Game News

News Section

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What's Happening

Player Death
Axius was slain by a skittering verdant eld.
Level Gained
Amathes earned level 71.
Arena Duel
Seurimas defeated Losnor in the Sect of Blades.
Player Death
Losnor was slain by Seurimas.
Arena Duel
Seurimas defeated Lirith in the Sect of Blades.

Organisational Logs

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