4 Your Character

Your Character - Table of Contents

-  Character Specific Information
   4.1  Descriptions          Personalize your description.
   4.2  History               Compose a background for yourself.
      4.2.1 Origin            Set your character's origin.
   4.3  Honors                Public information about others.
   4.4  Language              Aetolia's languages.
   4.5  Names                 Acceptable names in Aetolia.
      4.5.1  Name Change         Name changing rules.
   4.6  Titles                Suffix's and Prefix's to your name.
   4.7  Unity                 One plus one equals one.
      4.7.1  Bloodlines          Track your genealogy.      
      4.7.2  Engagement          That first big step.
      4.7.3  Marriage            Tie the knot.
      4.7.4  Polygamy            More than two?
   4.8  Welcome Back          Help for those that have been gone.

-  Character Racial Information
   4.9  Races                 The mortal races of Aetolia.
      4.9.1  Racial Skills       Descriptions and commands for racial skills.
      4.9.2  Reincarnation       Changing your race or statpack choice.
      4.9.3  Statpacks           Customize your character's stats.
      4.9.4  Atavian             Avian cousins to the human.
      4.9.5  Dwarf               Stout, bearded folk.
      4.9.6  Grecht              Mystical ice-dwellers.
      4.9.7  Grook               Intelligent amphibious creatures.
      4.9.8  Horkval             Fearsome, chitinous bug monsters.
      4.9.9  Human               The common man.
      4.9.10 Imp                 Khepri's mischievous creations.
      4.9.11 Kelki               Proud oceanic race.
      4.9.12 Maggot              Kill it!
      4.9.13 Mhun                Astute, agile cave-dwellers.
      4.9.14 Rajamala            Sentient felines of the forest.
      4.9.15 Troll               Powerful, slow-minded humanoids.
      4.9.16 Tsol'aa             Reclusive, thoughtful forest men.
      4.9.17 Xoran               Large, desert-born serpent-men.
      4.9.18 Nazetu              Slime covered race of corruption.
      4.9.19 Arqeshi             Nazetu cleansed of corruption.
      4.9.20 Ogre                Large, lumbering race.
      4.9.21 Orc                 Cunning race of schemers.
      4.9.22 Kobold              Expert craftsmen and tinkers.
      4.9.23 Djeirani            Silver haired and dark skinned.
      4.9.24 Minotaur            Powerful humanoid bovines.
      4.9.25 Gnome               Dimunitive, intelligent humanoids.

-  Subraces
   4.10 Undead                Things that go bump in the night.
      4.10.1  BecomeUndead       Learn how to become one of the undead.
      4.10.2  UndeadStats        Differing statistics for living and undead.

   4.11 Duamvi                Symbiotic creatures of light.
      4.11.1  DuamviStats        The difference between being a host and not.

   4.12 Consanguine           Supernatural stalkers of the night.
      4.12.1 Nightstalkers       The Proto-Vampires.
      4.12.2 Bloodlines          Bonds of generational blood.

-  Transcending
   4.13  Heritage             Transcending your mortal shell. Ascension         The illustrious Level 200.
      4.13.1  Tekal              Ancient word for 'Hollow One.' Havens            A place of your own.
         4.9.1    Racial Skills     Haven points for racial skills!
      4.13.2  Azudim             Ancient Kalsu meaning 'destruction.'
      4.13.3  Idreth             Ancient Kalsu meaning 'weaver or craftsman.'
      4.13.4  Yeleni             Ancient Kalsu meaning 'vital one.'
      4.13.5  Ankyrean           Ancient race created by the Gods.
      4.13.6  Titan              A being empowered by a colossal eld core.
      4.13.7  Nocturn            A being born from a shadowy blood curse.
      4.13.8  Adherent           A devotee of the Gods, in ancient tradition.
      4.13.9  Aetherial          A being reformed from the memory of the stars.
      4.13.10 Tiarna an-Kiar     A being raised by the Guardians of Dendara.
      4.13.11 Sagani             A being forged of the four base elements.
      4.13.12 Chaos Lord         An ascended noble of Corrupt Chaos.
      4.13.13 Astral Noble       An ascended noble of Astral Chaos.
      4.13.14 Seraph             Angelic beings of Spirit and Fire.

-  Role Play
   4.14 RolePlay              Becoming part of the world.
      4.14.1 GoodRP              Questions about good roleplaying.
      4.14.2 Interaction         Many ways you can play your role.
      4.14.3 Role                Formulating and establishing your role.
      4.14.4 Esteem              Appreciate the RP of another player.
      4.14.5 AnonymousRP         Anonymous encounters.
      4.14.6 RPLOG               How to view and upload your RPLOG

-  Class Role Play
      4.15.1  ArchivistRP         Roleplaying an Archivist
      4.15.2  AscendrilRP         Roleplaying an Ascendril
      4.15.3  CarnifexRP          Roleplaying a Carnifex
      4.15.4  MonkRP              Roleplaying a Monk
      4.15.5  SentinelRP          Roleplaying a Sentinel
      4.15.6  WardenRP            Roleplaying a Warden
      4.15.7  IndoraniRP          Roleplaying an Indorani
      4.15.8  SciomancerRP        Roleplaying a Sciomancer
      4.15.9  RevenantRP          Roleplaying a Revenant
      4.15.10 EarthcallerRP       Roleplaying an Earthcaller
      4.15.11 OneiromancerRP      Roleplaying an Oneiromancer
      4.15.12 TeradrimRP          Roleplaying a Teradrim
      4.15.13 ZealotRP            Roleplaying a Zealot
      4.15.14 WayfarerRP          Roleplaying a Wayfarer
      4.15.15 LuminaryRP          Roleplaying a Luminary
      4.15.16 BardRP              Roleplaying a Bard
      4.15.17 TidesageRP          Roleplaying a Tidesage
      4.15.18 AlchemistRP         Roleplaying an Alchemist
      4.15.19 AkkariRP            Roleplaying an Akkari
      4.15.20 RavagerRP           Roleplaying a Ravager
      4.15.21 ShamanRP            Roleplaying a Shaman
      4.15.22 SyssinRP            Roleplaying a Syssin
      4.15.23 TemplarRP           Roleplaying a Templar
      4.15.24 PraenomenRP         Roleplaying a Praenomen
      4.15.25 BloodbornRP         Roleplaying a Bloodborn
      4.15.26 RunecarverRP        Roleplaying a Runecarver
      4.15.27 VoidseerRP          Roleplaying a Voidseer
      4.15.28 ExecutorRP          Roleplaying an Executor
      4.15.29 PredatorRP          Roleplaying a Predator
      4.15.30 SiderealistRP       Roleplaying a Siderealist