100.20.4 Predator

Emerging into view in the wake of the Creators' Monomachy, the grim profession of the Predator originates from the dark forests of a world beyond the borders of the Aetolian universe. 

Practicing a lethal style of combat known as 'knifeplay', these rugged warriors exhibit lethal grace and savage strength in tandem, utilising bone knives known as sitaras to cut through tendon, damage bone, and carve out organs. Eschewing honour in favour of stark practicality and calculated cunning, practitioners of this exotic killing style learn ways to turn aside magic and deliver brutally efficient coups de grace. 

Submersing themselves within hostile climes to cultivate greater strength, a clever Predator will employ dexterity and brawn in equal measure to climb to the very apex of combative performance. They practice esoteric survival techniques and disparate disciplinary measures that allow them to overcome ailments and crushing pain, all in an attempt to foster cooperative or domineering relationships with the wild things of their world. Standing as the alpha in these exchanges, a skilled member of the trade will often command the respect of Aetolia's most dangerous creatures.

Those wishing to follow in their footsteps must seek Sigurd Brynja in the Augerweald. For a fee of 40 credits, he will teach all willing to learn (LEARN PREDATOR FROM SIGURD at v76795).

Bereft now of their supposedly rich culture beyond scraps that linger upon the minds of the eldest amongst their number, Aetolia's Predators blaze a fresh trail of their own in search of suitable challenges to test their might.