4.6 Titles

There are two kinds of titles in Aetolia. The primary types are what are included in prefixes and suffixes, or those in the achievement-based title system.

Prefixes & Suffixes
Syntax: PREFIX <name> [title] and SUFFIX <name> [title]
        UNTITLE to remove your prefix and suffix

* May be up to 30 characters long
* May not misconstrue the player's name with someone else.
* Prefixes come BEFORE the player's name
* Suffixes come AFTER the player's name
* Must generally be appropriate for the audience and the world.

Good Examples:
* Lady Asteria, Watcher of the Heavens. 
  (Lady) is the prefix, and (, Watcher of the Heavens) is the suffix.

* Londel "Brick" Svensson
  No prefix, ("Brick" Svensson) is the suffix

Bad Examples:
* Asteria Londel Becue
  Not okay! Each name is an actual person and this is confusing who they are.

* Londel, Silly Squirrel
* Londel, of the Order of Fun
  These are silly titles and should not be mimicked.

In order to gain a prefix or suffix (or both), you must ask a high-ranking member of your guild or city to do it for you. Your guildmaster and other high-rankings are able to, and those of cityrank four or above may also. Some kinds of title is one granted by virtue of a position in an organization such as a guild, city, or Divine Order. These titles are too numerous to list, however, so we will leave it to you to achieve these positions and discover the titles yourself.

Achievement-Based Title System
Syntax: TITLES
        TITLES SELECT <title code>

You can earn unique titles that display in your HONOURS. These are earned through a variety of tasks. Some are unique to your organizations and Orders, and others are earned through obtaining Fame (Honours Lines) out in the world. 

The first Title you will earn is upon completion of your city's Academy!

                                 Ceraen, the Dire
                              <<< Pancake Master >>>
He is 374 years old.