4.10 Undead

The undead, as their name implies, exist between life and death. Not quite alive, and yet not quite deceased, they are often reviled, shunned, and feared. While some believe that the undead are bereft of a soul, others maintain that it is the soul's inability to depart the physical body that defines undeath.

Commonly, undeath in Sapience is a Divine state imparted by Ivoln, the Earthen Lord, whom many call 'Father.' He wrought the undead as a token of affection for Dhar, the Underking, but the Lords' unity has long since been broken. Now, the Underking reviles the Earthen Lord, and the undead stand as symbol of that shattered romance.

The undead are fundamentally different from the living in many ways. Many of their mundane senses are diminished, and they cease to draw breath, unless it is to make use of their voices. They experienced subdued emotions, and lose their ability to dream entirely.

The undead can be slain, but their souls do not embark on the same journey as those of the living. Instead, their physical bodies crumble and decay, reforming at a later time from the earth.

Different varieties of undead have been observed. That which one embraces as an adventurer is that of Ivolnite Undeath. This is different from other forms of Undeath such as liches, raised cadavers or skeletons. 

Ivolnite Undeath is a perfect form, their flesh fully remade by the Earth when their body is destroyed. While minor imperfections can exist such as scars if they are deeply ingrained upon ones soul, there is no rotting flesh or exposed skeletons in this forms of Undeath.

Among these forms of Undeath are also multiple sects of vampires, known as Consanguine. Vampires, unlike other undead, require blood of the living to sustain themselves - and their origin dates back to the Second Mortal Epoch, and the Second War.

Many guilds categorically refuse to admit undead, and indeed the Divine nature of some guilds' powers may well be anathema to the walking dead. Others, though, welcome and even promote undead membership.

Once the curse of undeath has been accepted, it is difficult to rid one's self of it. Some Divine, as well as their followers, are known to cure undeath. The Consanguine must pursue a difficult quest, and win the aid of a Apothecary skilled enough to brew a cure.

For newbies, the path is much easier, however: they need only trek to Aaranu in Esterport and ASK AARANU BECOME LIVING.