11.2.8 Father Ivoln, the Earthen Lord


This is the way of Ivoln, the Earthen Lord, who resides now in solitude away from the view of mortals and immortals alike. It was He that created and perfected the way of Undeath, granting those who embraced its purity freedom from sickness, age and the fickle Cycle that other mortals are shackled to. It was He that conquered the Earthen and bound the Sorcerer-Kings, reigning over Azvosh Rakar as Dominar and Warmaster. It was He that rent the land in two, creating a bottomless grave to swallow whole the corpse of the great god-killer: the Kerrithrim.

As the Creators' Monomachy edged on finality, the Eschaton saw to releasing each of the Albedi Pantheon from Their Sapient-Divine-made prisons, reserving only accursed Ilimos and sundered Aechros to remain sealed within. Balgraug, true to His epithet, immediately began devouring the pillars that just moments before held His mind imprisoned; these same pillars that ensured the plane of Earth did not come cataclysmically crashing into the Prime Material Plane.

It is He that now singly holds the plane of Earth aloft, ensuring Aetolia does not meet this damned fate. It is by His sacrifice and continued efforts that those who yet remain do so without the constant threat of planar collision. His legacy is writ in every breath the world takes, and in every Undead that seeks to bring about His unending glory to the masses.