4.13.10 Tiarna an-Kiar

In ages long forgotten, mortalkind walked in harmony with nature, and communed with the spirits freely. Mysterious and powerful, the greatest of these spirits, the Guardians, selected their mortal representatives as the Praadi an-Kiar, the Voices of the Guardians. In this, they could deliver their will to the mortals that would listen, and maintain the Rhythm.

However, the Prime Material Plane and Dendara are inextricably linked, and when a threat on Prime spills over into Dendara, the Guardians must excise the problem at its source. To that end, they convene to select an emissary, their Tiarna an-Kiar, to go forth and protect Dendara and, in doing so, protect all the wilds. Tiarna an-Kiar walks the Prime with the power of Dendara, empowered by the Guardians to fight that which would destroy the Cycle.

Only one possessed of both might and devotion to nature can withstand the ritual to empower Tiarna an-Kiar, and the first of these in the modern age was Illikaal Aresti-TeStraif, chosen to serve Dendara in the Midnight Age.

Transformed and reborn in a hushed, secret ritual, Tiarna an-Kiar are empowered by a convention of Guardians, and so no two are completely alike. All are changed by their empowerment, often manifesting physical aspects of nature on their body: plantlife or animalistic features are common, and they often either grow or shrink in size, to better emblemize a role in the wilds. 

Tiarna an-Kiar are often joined by animal spirits, and can accept those spirits within their own flesh to manifest their power, surrounding them in shimmering auras and trailing wispy motes of Life energy.

To embrace their role and fulfill their oath, Tiarna an-Kiar need merely take a moment to allow their heartbeat to synchronize with the Rhythm that surrounds them. As they match the cadence of the wilds, nature responds, filling them with the power of the spirits and empowering them to carry out their sacred duty. Their heart will pound in their chest, and their very presence will draw forth motes of verdant energy from the wilds, eager to assist.

With the birth of Dia'ruis in the year 504, the realm of life is no longer tethered to ailing Dendara but to this brand new plane. Within, all that yet survived in Dendara now flourishes without corruption or rot threatening its existence. In this newfound age, the Tiarna's devotion remains unwavering: to the Rhythm, to the Cycle, and to Life itself.