4.13.14 Seraph

Widely worshipped and revered in many cultures for the gift of its life-giving warmth and radiant light, the sun is oft-regarded as a staple of the heavens, the bringer of day and vanquisher of night, its course eternal, its rise and fall inevitable. Despite its prominence, however, few know and even fewer understand the sun's true nature as more than mere star but a gateway between planes, a fiery membrane acting as the border betwixt the Prime Material and Rahiela, the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Thus, Sol Eos, also known as Aevoi, blazes bright as eternal tribute to Dejaani's traversal through the Planar Spiral. Worshipped among the Djinn of Rahiela as Supreme Goddess Almighty, it is by Dejaani's hand that the sun graces the skies of the Prime, a stable rift forged of fire and spirit. 

The denizens of Rahiela are a deeply pious people with a strong tradition of religion and scholarly works, counselled by the Angelic Triad from Paimri fio Oihia - the Holy Sanctuary of the Divine Fire that Protects. Counting Dejaani, Seelis, Yvalamon, and the Essence of Mebrene (in its various guises) among their pantheon, the culture of the Djinn is one of mathematical, studious precision married with religious adherence. 

Maintaining the safety of Fire is the chief task of the Seraphs: Djinn who have basked in the centre of Aevoi and been transformed into angelic beings capable of wielding pure sunlight and scorching flame to fulfil their duties. Each is invariably a devoted guardian of Fire, tasked with maintaining eternal vigil over one of Paimri's five cardinal gates, branches of Aevoi's spiral arm phenomena. 

Bells form an integral part of Rahielan tradition; it is these sacred instruments that call Seraphs to their posts and bind them to their vigil in an act known as the 'deathtoll'. Inextricably linked to their charges, Seraphs are fiercely faithful warriors, sworn to heed the tolling bell and become a bastion against any and all threats. 

Most recently, these threats have come in the form of Yvalamon - known to Rahiela as the dark flame, the fire devil, the Albedi Fury who seeks to destroy Sol Eos, enslave the Djinn, and destroy all their works. Regardless of the source, Seraphs defend the sanctity of Aevoi without hesitation, with Light and Fire their sacred sword and holy shield.

For the first time in centuries, the existence of the Seraphs was made known to residents of the Prime in the 502nd year of the Midnight Age, whereupon a procession of Djinn came forth in holy visitation. Fulfilling a pact made in ancient days to ensure the protection of Rahiela and Sol Eos, Ethne, standing for Tukuti (the Fire God with whom the original bargain was struck), offered up Jezreth of Enorian and dispatched him to the Plane of Fire. Though his mortal frame did not survive the exposure to the sun's unforgiving heat, the Angelic Triad judged him worthy, raising him as a Seraph, now known as Jezriel, and charging him with a solemn duty.

In order to adopt their true form, the Seraph casts aside their mundane body by embracing the sunrise, shedding darkness and shade in favour of the sun's full, beatific splendour. Typically the Seraph's connection to Rahiela is so strong that this apotheosis allows them to hear the sacred bells, hosannas of the dawn heralding their ascension. So transformed, these hallowed guardians become empowered, ready to stand sentinel over all that threatens the holy lands.