4.14.5 RPLOG

Aetolia captures and logs for you a limited history of your in-game communications, known as the RPLOG. This is a tool largely intended to assist you in creating logs of your roleplay to share with others.

Disclaimer: The log is not exhaustive, and will not record everything you see so some manual editing and tidying up will still be required on your end. 

View the last 50 lines of your RPLOG.

RPLOG <start line> [end line]
View 50 lines of your RPLOG, starting from the specified line. You can optionally specify an end line to stop at, but this is still limited to a max of 50 lines.

RPLOG [start line] [end line] INCLUDE <list of channels>
Filter your RPLOG to only include the specified channels. You must use the names listed upon CONFIG COLOUR.

RPLOG [start line] [end line] EXCLUDE <list of channels>
As above, but this one instead shows all channels except the ones you list.

* Note: You can use 'CLANS' here as a catchall for all of your clans.

RPLOG [start line] [end line] [filters] UPLOAD
By appending upload to the end of your RPLOG command, it will upload the log to our website for easy viewing. Unlike the normal command, instead of only showing 50 lines, this will show all the lines in your RPLOG starting from your specified starting line, until either the end of your RPLOG, or your specified end line. Uploading has a ten minute cooldown. NOTE: These get wiped periodically, so save the page if you wish to keep your upload.

While this should be obvious, the command is of course an OOC tool and should not be mentioned or utilised in-character!

Some examples:
Uploads a log to the website of the entirety of your says/emotes in the RPLOG.

Uploads lines 500-1000 from your RPLOG, but only those lines that are citytells.