8.9 Guildfavour and Guilddisfavour

Guildfavour and guilddisfavour are the means by which your guild rank is raised and lowered, respectively. Once you are appointed to a position within your guild that has been granted these privileges or elected as your guild's guildmaster you should be able to use these commands.    

Guildfavour should be used to reward exemplary behavior on the part of one of your guildmates, and should not be used merely for the sake of raising someone's guildrank. It is a reward, not a right.           

Likewise, guilddisfavour should be used only to punish actions that bring disrepute to the guild. Simply being guilddisfavoured is not considered a sufficient reason for guilddisfavouring the person who did it to you, unless, perhaps that person did it for truly insufficient reason.                                                                 

The higher the guild level of the person guildfavouring or guilddisfavouring you, the greater the effect will be.                  

See also: GUILD, GUILDRANK (if you are in a guild)