10.2 Ruling Council

The ruling council of a city-state is generally composed of five members. These five members are elected by the populace, via the methods described in HELP ELECTIONS. HELP <city> will show you who the members of a ruling council are.

While the perceived responsibilities of a ruling council may vary in the eyes of each citizen, it can safely be said that the ruling council must take credit and blame for what happens to their city. While the power to actually affect most city-related things lies in the hands of the Ministers and their aides, it is the ruling council who chooses the leader, who appoints the Ministers. If the Ministers or the leader is doing a poor job, it is up to the ruling council to fix the situation.

As a member of a ruling council, you may use the following commands:

Citizenship and Security
CITIZEN <person> or UNCITIZEN <person> 
 - Invite a person to join your city or remove them from your community.

BRAND <person> <ENEMY|ALLY> FOR <reason>
 - Brand someone an official enemy of your city, or lift the enemy status.

 - View or edit the records of an enemy.

SUPPORT <person>
 - Throw your support behind a member of the ruling council. The person
   with majority support will become the city leader.

FUNDS <ministry>
 - See the funds level for a selected ministry. Must be in the Council
   Room for this. Will not work on the Stewardship.

PREFIX/SUFFIX <person> <text>
 - Manipulate the titles of citizens.

CITYFAVOUR <person> <reason> / CITYDISFAVOUR <person> <reason>
 - Grant your cityfavour to a person, which helps elevate their rank, or
   give them your disfavour which helps lower their rank.

WRITELOG <city> <msg>
 - Write a message to the city's logs.

 - Same as READLOG in HELP CITYCOMMANDS, but shows you logs for ingoing
   and outgoing revenue.

 - Write a message to the city's revenue logs.

 - Add or remove items from the city stockpile from the Council Room. The
   stockpile is essentially a stockroom and follows the same rules: things
   that do not decay in a stockroom will not decay in the stockpile. Things
   that decay in a stockroom will decay in the stockpile.

 - View the last time a citizen logged in.

CITY LAWS <option>
 - Compose the laws of your city. Options are COMPOSE, PUBLIC, and PRIVATE.

 - View and modify city announcements, which appear when a citizen logs in.

CITY MUTE <person>
 - Mute a citizen from speaking on communications to the city.

CITY UNMUTE <person>
 - Unmute a citizen if they were previously muted.

Open Referendums (see HELP REFERENDUMS)

Town Crier (see HELP TOWN CRIER)

Org Requests (see HELP ORGREQ)

Orghelp Files (see HELP ORGHELP)

Projects (see HELP PROJECTS)

 - Same as READLOG in HELP CITYCOMMANDS, but shows you logs for military

 - Write a message to the city's military logs.

 - See a basic list of the military status of your city. Must be done from
   the War Room.

Leadership council
Those who are on the ruling council will also have access to the leadership council newsboard, which is gathering of the realms leaders for communication with the administration and other leaders. This gathering is not considered in-character and should be treated as such.

To communicate with other leaders:

LEADT <message>
 - Speak on the leadership channel.