
Territory is defined by swathes of land, usually a village, that can be occupied by a city-state or any soldier fielding organization. Within Aetolia, there are two kinds of territories called base territories and neutral territories.

Possession of a territory grants the military of the occupier a small bonus to reserves. For each territory you hold, you will replenish 3 reserve troops every 24 hours.

In war time, these territories become more important. Occupying all three base territories of a city that reside outside of its walls will allow you to deliver a military defeat to your opponent and put them into a state of surrender. 

Alternatively, you can also occupy their city in order to gain a defeat. It is a lot harder to achieve but the consequences for the opposing city are more dire.

Base Territories:
Basic territories or base territories are occupied land that is completely and fully controlled by a city-state. They require no effort on the behalf of the city who owns it to hold.

Base territories for Bloodloch:
 The City of Bloodloch
 The village of Kornar
 The military outpost of El'Jazira
 The Vilimo Estate

Base territories for Duiran:
 The City of Duiran
 Vintal Glade
 The village of Abelaas
 Cantor's Copse

Base territories for Enorian:
 The City of Enorian
 The village of Jaru

Base territories for Spinesreach:
 The City of Spinesreach
 Stormcaller Crag
 The Bravestarr Homesteads

Neutral Territories:
Neutral territories are land that can be occupied by anyone. However holding a territory requires that a division is left within the land otherwise the occupier will steadily lose influence over the territory and will eventually fall back into neutrality.

Neutral territories:
 the village of Nuunva
 the village of Saluria
 the village of Bihrkaen
 the village of Craneskull
 the Salma Settlement

Occupying a territory:
Occupying a territory is a relatively simple affair. First you must have a division of soldiers occupy the town square of the territory, which you can find by using SURVEY in the area. You may only occupy one territory of an opposing organization at a time.

Once it is occupied, you must maintain a presence of troops (of any type) within the territory in order to completely hold it. It will take a total of 8 hours for the territory to become fully under your control, at which point it will become valid towards a victory in war. In case of occupying a city, it will take 12 hours instead of 8.

Once held, you are no longer limited in occupying another territory of the same organization.

If there is no longer a presence of your troops within the area, the hold you have gained will slowly dissipate in reverse. If you held it for 30 minutes, then it will take 30 minutes for your hold to end.

Should there be a mix of enemy troops and your own within the territory, then the area will become contested and no progress toward either goal will occur.

The TERRITORY command (see HELP WAR) will help you determine how far along you are in an occupation.

Achieving a victory:
In the case of war, if you manage to achieve a victory by holding onto all three base territories, then your opponent will be placed into a forced state of surrender for 25 real days.

Capturing the city is slightly different. Including the above, they will also lose access to rank 5 abilities from their pylon for the duration of the surrender, and their Aechrian Coil upgrade will be damaged and need repairing.

Do note that accepting a treaty with a relation term will override the enforced surrender, including any penalties (except the Aechrian Coil damage, repair is still required).

In summary, defend your territories!