Pantheon Relics

This relic collection contains 13 items in total and is themed around the Gods of the Sapience Pantheon. 

Each relic can be referred to using "pantheon_<god>" e.g pantheon_severn or pantheon_haern for full information.

Severn: A Strand of Umbrael, the Cloak of Midnight
This item allows you to silently leave a location with the MISDIRECT <fake> <actual> command (e.g MISDIRECT NORTH SOUTH). This is subject to movement restrictions, does not fool alertness and has a small balance cost.

Damariel: A Mote of Revelation
With this item, your eye sigils will deliver the flared affliction for ten seconds when they reveal someone.

Bamathis: A Writ of Heresy
This item allows you to CONDEMN <shrine>, preventing any offerings at in for one hour. This carries a cooldown of one hour and can only affect one shrine at a time.

Haern: A Songline Totem of the Bloodhunt
This item allows you to HUNTMARK <target> for a cost of 1 second equilibrium. When the huntmarked target leaves your room and then enters a location that isn't adjacent to your own, the direction of their movement will be reported to you and the effect will fade.

Dhar: A Scroll of Finality
With this item, the amount of deaths shown to you with the DEATHS command will be doubled.

Ethne: An Ogrish Finishing Hammer
With this item in hand, the first time you temper an item in Forging, you get the maximum roll. This has a cooldown of one real life day.

Tanixalthas: A Tempestuous Gyre
This item grants use of the GYRE syntax to create strong winds above your current location that will harry anyone who flies by periodically blowing them around, similar to the effect of high winds in normal weather. The air stability racial will not work against this effect. This item has no cooldown, but can only affect one room at a time and cannot be used while the previous storm is in effect.

Omei: A Shifting Map of Ka-la-kai
Grants access to the SLEEPWALK <direction> syntax, which allows you to move at a limp pace in a random direction while sleeping.

Abhorash: An Empowered Gem of Hematite
Grants access to the BLEEDING <target> command to determine the target's current bleeding. This costs 100 mana, carries a 10 second cooldown, and requires balance and equilibrium, but does not consume them.

Ivoln: A Weathered Chisel
This item upgrades ROCKCRUSH to be able to crush all rocks of the same colour at once, in exchange for a slight increase to the balance cost. Simply ROCKCRUSH <colour> to activate.

Slyphe: A Charm of the Mariner
Grants access to the WATERSURGE power which will conjure violent waves and deal minor asphyxiation damage to everyone in the location periodically. This can only be used in water locations, has a 5 minute cooldown, and lasts 30 seconds.

Chakrasul: A Jade Spiral of Despair and Might
While in possession of this item, you will deal 10% more damage when below 25% health.

Lexadhra: A Pair of Ornate Spectator's Binoculars
Grants access to REMINISCE, allowing you to see the last five says or emotes in a room if they occurred within the last hour. This cannot be used while phased, does have a third person message on use, and has a five minute cooldown. Rooms with the privacy upgrade will prevent this from working.