7 Items and Mobiles

Items and Mobiles - Table of Contents

-  Items

   7.1  Cache Commands        Your own trans-dimensional storage solution.
   7.2  Clothing              All about the variety of clothes in Aetolia.
      7.2.1  Attire              Stylish advice on wearing your clothing.
      7.2.2  Attire Locs         Locations of worn/attire items.
      7.2.3  Outfits             Organize clothing items into outfits.
   7.3  Containers            The various containers vital to healing.
      7.3.1  Refilling           Reusing containers for fun and profit.
      7.3.2  Casks/Racks         Containers for bulk refills and enchantments.
      7.3.3  FluidCache          Storage for all your fluids.
   7.4  Door Commands         The syntaxes for interacting with doors.
   7.5  Enchantment Types     Magical items for your journey.
      7.5.1  Sigils              Useful, magical symbols.
   7.6  Equipment Commands    Useful commands for items.
   7.7  Figurines             Collectible miniature art.
   7.8  Gold Commands         The syntax for interacting with gold.
   7.9  Key Commands          Keys and how to copy them.
   7.10 Lock Commands         The syntaxes for interacting with locks.
   7.11 Stackable Items       Some items can be stacked into one.
   7.12 Throwing Items        Learn how to throw things at or to people.

-  Mobiles

   7.13 Mobiles               Some general info about dealing with mobiles.
      7.13.1 Loyal Mobiles       Mobiles that may be loyal to you.
      7.13.2 Naming              Naming your loyal creatures.
   7.14 Famous Mobiles        Some important mobiles.
   7.15 Consider Command      Sizing up your opponent.
   7.16 Dialogue              Dialogue with mobiles and items.