8.6.5 Apostles

In the wake of the Monomachy and the shattering of the Pillars of the Earth, the Apostles have emerged as the harbingers of a new Age, one defined by the unification of divine strength with the resolute might of the Bloodlochian Empire. The Apostles, known once as the Teradrim Warband, have transformed in the aftermath of their Earthen Father, Ivoln, God of Earth, sacrificing His presence to eternally support the Plane of Earth.

Their mission is twofold: to forge unbreakable alliances with the Gods, amplifying Bloodloch's presence in the divine realm, and to actualise the ambitious vision of bringing the world under Bloodloch's rule. This latter goal is deemed achievable only with the backing of a strong pantheon, as the Apostles believe in the necessity of divine favor to guide and bless their conquests.

Retaining the arts of the Teradrim, the Apostles manipulate the earth and sand to their advantage, while constructing powerful stonework golems. These animated servants are not only warriors but also builders, aiding in the creation of imposing edifices and sculpting majestic artworks into the very mountains.

The Earthcallers of Azvosh, fervent warrior priests, also join the Apostles in their cause. Together, they uphold a doctrine that sees submission to Bloodloch and its deities not as a mere choice, but as an inevitable destiny for all mortalkind. This ideology fuels their every deed, allowing no space for dissent or resistance.

Embracing both life and undeath, the Apostles view undeath as a sacred state, awarded only to those members who prove their unshakeable faith and commitment. This transformation is seen as a divine blessing, marking the recipient as a true servant of Bloodloch's Gods.

In their role as ardent proselytizers, the Apostles champion the worship of Bloodloch's deities. Their tactics vary from persuasive discourse to overt domination, always with a clear message: kneel or be knelt, for the glory of Bloodloch and its divine pantheon. This unwavering principle forms the cornerstone of their identity, driving them to reshape the world under the banner of their indomitable empire.