6.8 Mentors

The mentoring system in Aetolia is a system that is designed to ensure a friendly reception into Aetolia by newbies. When an older player (who must have at least 300 hours of playing time, and be at least level 50) offers to become your mentor, you may AGREE if you wish to become his protege, or do nothing to politely refuse. Mentors are usually someone you find within your guild or city, or someone of similar beliefs who has helped you out.

If you wish to get rid of a mentor, simply type REJECT MENTOR <reason for doing so> and it shall be done. Remember however that if you are no longer a newbie, you will need to wait one in-game season until you can take on a new mentor.               

In return for taking on the responsibilities of a mentor, the mentor has a chance to profit, if you become a more serious player. These responsibilities are essentially those of answering any questions you might have, and helping you to help yourself. For instance, while a mentor might give you a bit of gold and some basic equipment, generally they would rather help you to learn how to get the gold yourself, so that you can equip yourself.                                            

A mentor should, unless urgently busy (for instance, involved in a fight with another player), take the time to patiently answer your questions about Aetolia, and should be willing to take you to areas of the game that you need to get to, and generally be a source of advice for you. Remember: a mentor is supposed to generally put themselves second, and you, the protege, first.                                                     

We take the position of mentor seriously, and if your mentor is not performing his duties, then you should report him or her to a God.      

Once you have reached level 50 and have played for at least 300 hours, you may take on proteges. The file HELP FORMENTORS will tell you more.