13.15.1 Hunting Areas

Your current hunting area getting a bit too easy for you? Simply type in AREAS to be presented with a list of hunting areas and the recommended minimum level you should be before attempting to take on that area.

You can filter down this list easily by supplying a minimum and maximum level in the format of AREAS <min> <max>. For example, AREAS 20 40 will only level areas whose minimum level falls between 20 and 40.

Along with the area's name and recommended level, you will also be presented with a VNum. This will be the room number of a location inside the area, useful for utilizing the game's speedwalking system (HELP SPEEDWALK).

Please remember that the level recommendations are purely approximations, and as such experiences may vary. Some of the areas may be loyal to a certain organization, so make sure to keep that in mind as well.

Other useful files for exploring the world around you are found in HELP LANDMARKS and HELP GEOGRAPHY.