9.9.4 Toxicology

Toxicology is the art and science of poisons, rendered from beasts and plants found across Sapience. Often used as a weapon, many combatants use the venoms derived from the possess to envenom their blades and arrows in order to incapacitate and slay their enemies. The effects range from common physical ailments such as wracking pain or an inability to breathe, to the more arcane effects of pacifying the soul or preventing magical teleportation.

The Toxicologist is naught without the tools and ingredients found within a preservation room. In order to begin milking a venom, you must first stand within a preservation room (which you can determine using SURVEY). Most cities will have one, so ask around if you are unsure where to find one.

Once there, you can begin to MILK a venom either into a venom rag, your fluidcache, or a cask for sale in a shop. The process is a quick one and no extra tools are required. Once you have what you need, you are done!

Common syntaxes:
CRAFT RAG                                 - Craft a venom rag from some cloth.
MILK <venom> INTO <rag|FLUIDCACHE>        - Milk a venom for personal use.
MILK <venom> INTO <barrel|cask>           - Milk a venom for sale into a shop.
REFILL RAG FROM <cask>                    - Replenish a rag from a shop cask.
SQUEEZE <rag>                             - Remove venom from a rag.

Venoms to effects on a glance:
Sumac      - poison damage
Camus      - major poison damage
Curare     - paresis
Aconite    - stupidity
Xentio     - clumsiness
Oleander   - blindness
Eurypteria - recklessness
Kalmia     - asthma
Digitalis  - shyness
Darkshade  - allergies
Prefarar   - strip deafness, sensitivity
Monkshood  - disfigurement
Euphorbia  - vomiting
Colocasia  - deafness
Oculus     - strip blindness, blurry vision
Hepafarin  - haemophilia
Vernalius  - weariness
Larkspur   - dizziness
Slike      - anorexia
Voyria     - eventual death
Delphinium - strip insomnia, forced sleep, strip instawake
Gecko      - slickness
Scytherus  - thin blood
Ouabain    - peace
Epteth     - left arm crippled, right arm crippled
Epseth     - left leg crippled, right leg crippled
Selarnia   - squelched
Vardrax    - deadening
Jalk       - stuttering
Loki       - random venom effect
Cirisosis  - eventual death

While the majority of venoms can be applied in almost every case, there are some that won't adhere to weapon blades. They are listed below for your interest, however some skills will have exceptions to these rules and will allow you to make use of them (e.g. Loki can be used with arrows, but not weapons). Exceptions are generally listed within the AB help file for the skill.

Venoms that generally cannot be applied to weapons:
Sumac, Camus, Loki, Scytherus, and Cirisosis