18.1.13 Inquisition

Inquisition is a game based off the real-life party game Mafia. In this game, players are divided into two teams: the Sapients and the Shadowbound. Each team has the goal of eliminating the other, but the approach each team must take is slightly different.

The Sapient team does not know who is on the Shadowbound team; in fact the Shadowbound team is hidden amongst the Sapient team and it is the goal of the Sapient team to deduce and eliminate these hidden Shadowbound before the Shadowbound can kill them.

The Shadowbound team can see who else in the game is Shadowbound (via INQUI STATUS) and must covertly eliminate each of the Sapients - either through social engineering of votes in the daytime, or planned kills during the night. There will always be less Shadowbound than Sapients.

Inquisition is hosted within an arena and can have its settings altered by the Culture ministry, allowing you to change what roles will be enabled, timer lengths, and other things - refer to the syntax selection below. Unlike other arena games, being killed doesn't remove you from the arena. This allows people to continue to watch the rest of the game play out without interruption. If you would rather just leave, then the LEAVE ARENA command will remove you from the arena.

The gameplay of Inquisition is divided into two main phases:

During the day phase, the players must discuss and vote upon a player to eliminate. For the Sapient team, they must try and deduce who amongst them is Shadowbound and sway their peers to vote for the suspects. The hidden Shadowbound team can similarly try and sway people to kill off a Sapient, furthering their own cause. Once day phase ends, it will transition to night phase.

During the night phase, only Shadowbound players and players with certain special roles can act. Everybody will be unable to speak, but Shadowbound can communicate to each other on their secret channel using INQT to discuss who to eliminate, which they can do by voting in a similar manner to the day phase. Once night phase ends, it will transition to day phase.

In either case, the phases will end when either the timer runs out, or instantly when a majority vote has been achieved (more than 50%) - including a majority vote for abstaining. If the timer runs out during the day phase, nobody will be eliminated, but for the night phase the target with the most votes will be picked. If a majority vote is achieved, the target voted for will be eliminated.

The Sapient team will achieve a victory when NO Shadowbound players remain in the game.
The Shadowbound team will achieve a victory when their numbers are equal or greater to the Sapient players.

There also exists special roles in the game that have abilities that can turn the tide:

Roles for the Sapient team
The default Sapient team role with no special powers.

Once per night, the Syssin can hypnotise someone to find out what team they belong to. This does not reveal any special roles.

The Carnifex takes matters into their own hands and can choose to execute someone at night. By default, they only get a single use of this per game but the amount can be configured. Your use only gets used up on a successful kill i.e. interventions by the Templar will not waste your use.

The Templar can choose to defend someone at night, protecting them all forms of death except the Sentaari's. The Templar cannot protect themself.

When the Sentaari dies, their kai deliverance will also kill the first person to vote for them that turn. This works against day votes, night votes, and the Carnifex. This persists even if that person later changes their vote.

Roles for the Shadowbound team
The default Shadowbound team role with no special powers.

The Infiltrator will show up as belonging to the Sapient team when hypnotised by the Syssin.

All players syntax:
INQUI STATUS [arena]            See the current status of the game you're in.
INQUI VOTE <person>             Vote to kill a player this turn.
INQUI ABSTAIN                   Abstain from voting this turn.
INQUI UNVOTE                    Undo your vote.

Role commands syntax:
INQT <message>                  For Shadowbound to communicate with each other at night.
INQUI HYPNOTISE <target>        For the Syssin, choose who to investigate at night.
INQUI DEFEND <target>           For the Templar, choose who to protect at night.
INQUI REAVE <target>            For the Carnifex, choose who to execute at night.

Culture ministry settings:
INQUI SETTINGS [arena]          View your arena's settings for Inquisition.
INQUI SET <field> <value>       Edit settings. Cannot be done once game has started.