8.6.11 Sentaari

Founded centuries ago, the Sentaari are an order of monks whose long-standing traditions centre around the idea of balance, both in the self through the honing of mind, body, and spirit, and in the universe at large. From their Monastery in the Duiran Heartwood, the Sentaari live a life free of civilisation's influence, one where the Cycle is paramount and the safeguarding of Dia'ruis, Duiran, and Sapience as a whole remains a priority.

The rigorous training undertaken by the Sentaari renders them uniquely qualified to interact with the Void - that place of emptiness between the planes. Utilising skills practised only within the Monastery, the Sentaari alone are capable of banishing things to the Void and drawing things out of it that were once lost in order to remedy imbalances.

Like all Monk professionals, the Sentaari practice the martial arts of Tekura to strengthen their bodies, Telepathy to hone their minds and destroy that of their enemies, and the skill of Kaido to harness the friction from conflict between Shadow and Spirit in order to bolster their own spirits. Voidseers instead narrow their focus, practicing the telepathic art of Cultivation, harnessing the seven chakras of Enlightenment, and finding balance in the Void itself.

Where the Sentaari differ from hedge monks, wandering pilgrims, or other mystics is their focus on discipline. Prolonged interaction with the void takes a significant toll on the psyche and one of the greatest challenges facing the order is to avoid succumbing to this mental threat through meditation, constant vigilance, and a stable mind.