400.99.23 Enlightenment

Root. Sap. Trunk. Heartwood. Leaf. Branch. Canopy. Known as the seven sacred gates of enlightenment, these septenary points upon the body, mind, and soul are claimed as focal points by esoteric philosophical schools. By attuning oneself to these vast wells of possible might and achieving harmony with its energies, sages claim that practitioners are capable of feats far beyond mortal ken. Hushed tales within windswept monasteries and distant martial arts schools speak of warriors capable of truly breathtaking displays of supernatural power, including flight, endurance against pain, and even the absolute dissolution of a foe's fighting spirit.

Practised in the modern era by the dreaded Voidseers of the Sentaari Monastery, Enlightenment serves as the basis for their quest for inner peace in the face of the Void's immaterial truths.