
Most of the Tekura abilities are affected by a variety of factors. First, being in a stance modifies the damage and speed of each Tekura attack. You will always want to be in some stance or another while using Tekura. Second, the higher your Tekura, the more likely you are to hit an opponent with a particular attack and the more damage you will do with that attack.                                                       

Tekura also has a kata attached to each belt. Mastering a kata will give you a bonus to damage and accuracy for skills at that belt rank. To master a kata, you should first practice the form. When you think you are ready, someone else can grade you in that kata. If you successfully complete the kata under the grading, you will be considered a master of that form. While it is not a requirement to master and be graded on your kata, doing so will increase your damage by 2%. Only someone who is either a black belt or at least three belts above you, and has mastered the kata themselves, can grade another.

KATAS                   - View a list of katas you know.
DEMONSTRATE <kata>      - Demonstrate a kata.
GRADE <person> <kata>   - Grade another on a kata.

GRADERS will display everyone online that can currently grade you. **

** [NOTE]: This command will only work for Tekura katas, not Zealot katas.

     Belt    |    kata     
1)   White   |   Jakata
2)   Grey    |   Lisagi
3)   Yellow  |   Rhee
4)   Green   |   Philos
5)   Blue    |   Tykorima
6)   Orange  |   Opha
7)   Red     |   Nexus
8)   Purple  |   Kali
9)   Bronze  |   Do-san
10)  Silver  |   Rhythos
11)  Gold    |   Krull
12)  Black   |