Cognition KPages


In Aetolia, knowledge pages (kpages) are like special notes that can help your denizen or pet remember important information using the cognition system. Here's a simple guide to understanding and using kpages:

What Are Kpages For?
Kpages are mini-information pages that your character can use to give denizens more knowledge. They're handy for things like:

- Learning About History: You can create a kpage to remember specific events in the game's history.

- City Knowledge: Keep track of general information about the various cities in the game.

- Spreading Rumors: Record rumors you want your denizen to share with others.

- Character or Creature Info: Store details about other characters or creatures in the game world.

Creating Kpages
Let's say your house butler is named Bob. Here's how you can create kpages for Bob:

- Create a Kpage for Bob: Start by creating a kpage named "Bob."

- Add Basic House Info: Put basic details about your house so the AI knows any specific things Bob should know.

- Create an Cities Kpage: Make another kpage called "Cities" and add any general city info you want Bob to know.

- Create an Esterport Kpage: Make another kpage called "Esterport" and add any specific Esterport-related info.

- Nest the Esterport Kpage: Nest the "Esterport" kpage to the "Cities" kpage

- Assign the Kpage: Use the assign command to set the "Bob" and the "Cities" kpages to Bob. The "Esterport" kpage is automatically added as well, as it is nested to "Cities".

Using Keywords for Efficiency
To save chars and make kpages more efficient, you may set keywords for your kpages. This way, the kpage is only sent to the AI when those keywords are mentioned by players. For instance, if you set the keyword "Esterport" for the Esterport kpage, it will only come up when someone mentions "Esterport."

Sharing Kpages
You can assign kpages to multiple characters or creatures and even nest them under different kpages. You can grant access to your kpages to other players to use. This allows you to maintain one main kpage and share its content with various characters or groups of players.

Global Kpages
You will notice there are several kpages that are available to everyone. These are maintained by the admin and will be periodically updated with new information. You are able to use these on your denizens as needed.

Cognition Kpage Syntax
CREATE <name>               Create a new knowledge page.
DELETE <id>                 Delete a knowledge page.
RENAME <id> <name>          Rename a knowledge page.
EDIT <id>                   Edit a page.
ASSIGN <id> <target>        Assign a page to a creature.
UNASSIGN <target>           Remove a page from a creature.
UNASSIGN <id> ALL           Remove a page from all creatures.
LIST                        List your pages.
<id>                        Show information about a page.
NEST <id> <parent>          Attach a page to another.
DENEST <id> [ALL]           Unattach a page from another, or all pages.
GRANT <id> TO <player>      Grant access to a page.
REVOKE <id> FROM <player>   Revoke access to a page.

KEYWORD <id> ADD <x>        Add a keyword.
KEYWORD <id> REMOVE <x>     Remove a keyword.
KEYWORD <id> CLEAR          Remove all keywords.