Duiran Council, Heart of the Great Oak


The Duiran Council sits in the heart of the Great Oak, the massive tree in the center of the vast Ithmian forests. Home to forestal people both feral and fey, the denizens of the Heartwood are savage defenders of the wilds whose calling is maintaining the balance between Life and Death - the Rhythm, the ever-changing flow of Nature.

Created from the sacrifice of a Goddess, the Duiran council considers the ancient Heartwood forest a sacred grounds, touched by the spirit-plane of Dia'ruis and infused with its essence. Many a natural wonder and an assortment of strange, spiritual creatures alike are found within the forest and the other areas nestled within the mountainous Hollow.

The council is home to wielders of the mystical powers of Life and Death, the Shamans and the Runecarvers respectively who enact the will of the Guardians of Dia'ruis, as well as the fate-fueled magi of the Oneiromancers. Fighting alongside them are the martial Sentaari monks, Sentinel warriors, and tribal Wardens, disciplined combatants dedicated to preserving the Balance through fist, dhurive or wargauntlet.

The Duiran Council is uncompromising in its stance against the threat of all that is unnatural to the wilds. It is a bastion of freedom and spirit, home to those who forge through the untended paths of the world, into strange territories others fear to tread. Above all, they fight to ensure the wilderness is allowed to run its due course by any  means necessary.

The flag of Duiran is defined by a single, vibrant green oak set against a wooden brown background. The oak emblem is dense with intricate whorls, its branches and roots stretching towards all the borders of the canvas. Though the flag is obvious in its symbolism of the Great Oak that marks the center of Council ground, the whorls of its branches and roots represent the endless Cycle of life, death and rebirth that Duiran holds sacred.

City Information



  • They were founded in ancient times by the Viridian Order.
  • They are aligned with the Eternal Cycle.
  • They stand as stewards to Dia'ruis, the Plane of Life.
  • The Shamans of the Praadi an-Kiar guide their steps.
  • Ancestral wisdom of the Sentinel Pride grants them Severity.
  • They tread the line of harmony under the guidance of the Sentaari.
  • They are home to the Tiarna an-Kiar.


  • They brought new growth and renewal to the scoured Bloodwood.
  • They laid over 300 citizens of Delve to rest in the traditions of the east.
  • They lured the Withered Jokach into a trap, ensuring its demise.
  • They brought down the very moon from the sky in the ritual of Dia'ruis' birth.
  • They fed Sterion's people to the soliad, ushering in the Second War of Night.
  • They repelled the Cult of Kaarn in an attempt to free their master.
  • Alshek and his tainted brood were vanquished by their hand, allowing Srahda's birth.
  • They felled Valakris the Bellower, a corrupted Guardian of Dendara.

Divine Advisory

Haern, the Hunter
Lexadhra, the Indelible
Dhar, the Underking

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