13.6.3 Cure Timers

Now that you understand the basics, its good to know that you cannot simply cure afflictions as fast as you can consume pills. There is a slight pause between each cure before you can use another within the same grouping.

This help file will tell you exactly how long each one is:

Cure type             Cooldown            Example

Core Elixirs          4.75 seconds        health/mana/infusion/harmony elixir
Other Elixirs         1.40 seconds        an elixir of levitation, etc

Anabiotic Pill        6.00 seconds        an anabiotic pill

Panacea Pill          3.40 seconds        a panacea pill
Other Pills           1.90 seconds        an opiate pill, etc

Restoration Poultice  4.30 seconds        a restoration poultice
Other Poultices       1.10 seconds        a mending poultice, etc

All Pipes             1.60 seconds        a pipe with reishi herb, etc

You may also wish to look at AB SURVIVAL QUEUEING, as it will allow you to queue up cures to be used as soon as you are capable.

There are also some other timers that might be of interest to you, but aren't necessarily cooldowns. They are here purely to be informative.

Rebounding Delay      6.40 seconds
Speed Elixir Delay    5.00 seconds
Fangbarrier Delay     7.00 seconds