17.5 Timeline of Aetolia

You can find a timeline room within the Grand Library at v69791. This is a
special room which allows you to view and search the timeline of major Aetolian
events. This help file contains details on its use.

Use TIMELINE HELP to see a list of commands to use.


You can use TIMELINE SEARCH <pattern> to search through all events. You can
use wildcard characters. The first one is an asterisk (*), which matches
anything, and the second is an underscore (_) which matches single characters.
For example:

    TIMELINE SEARCH Lanos     searches specifically for the word Lanos
    TIMELINE SEARCH *lycan*   searches for anything containing 'lycan'
    TIMELINE SEARCH *H__rn*   could be used if you forget how to spell Haern

If you have MXP enabled, you can click on the entry ID to view more details.
Otherwise, use TIMELINE VIEW <id>.


It is also possible to filter entries by year or epoch like so:

    TIMELINE SI     lists entries from the Second Immortal Epoch
    TIMELINE 435    lists entries taking place in 435 MA.


Some entries are also tagged. You can view all tags using TIMELINE TAGS, and
you can list tagged entries using TIMELINE ABOUT <tag>.


Aside from tags, entries may also reference pertinent news posts, help files,
NPCs and books.