18.4.8 Milestones

Once you have completed the Academy or are over level 31, you will gain access to the milestone system.

The milestone system is a set of tasks you are given with a specific timeframe in which you need to complete them. 

They are broken up into three timeframes: Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Daily milestones reset at the Howling (00:00 GMT), weekly Milestones reset at the Saturday->Sunday Howling, and monthly milestones reset on the first of each month at the Howling. Any uncompleted milestones will be removed when this reset happens, and new milestones will be handed out if you are online. Otherwise, you'll get your new milestones when you next log in.

Completing these tasks will reward you with a keystone: a bronze keystone for completing a daily milestone, a silver keystone for completing a weekly milestone and a golden keystone for completing a monthly milestone. These keystones can be used to buy a variety of rewards!

There's also credit milestones, which work slightly different to the others. These earn you platinum keystones. Refer to HELP CREDIT MILESTONES for information on these.

   MILESTONES                  See your current milestones.
   MILESTONES WARES            View the prizes available.
   MILESTONES BUY <#>          Buy the specific prize.
   MILESTONES BUY <#> CREDITS  To convert multiple credit milestones.
   MILESTONES REROLL DAILY     Costs 2000 gold, reroll your daily.
   MILESTONES REROLL WEEKLY    Costs 10000 gold, reroll your weekly.
   MILESTONES REROLL MONTHLY   Costs 30000 gold, reroll your monthly.
   MILESTONES CREDITS          View the list of credit milestones.
   MILESTONES CLAIM <#>        Claim the rewards from a credit milestone.
Here's an explanation for some of the less-obvious prizes:

Currency: 1x a colorful gem
An old event currency. Shop for this currency is at room 49927.

Currency: 1x prize tickets  
An old currency from year 460 celebrations. Shop for this currency is at room 62419.