Classleads October – part 3 (end)

After a new class and mirrors, there’s some time to catch up! There will be a few things left over, but they will be addressed in time.

Enjoy the last of the classleads from October!

– [3308] The affliction ‘spirit_rot’ when given by a Runecarver now deals spirit damage, instead of shadow damage.

Mentis / Dictum
– [3325] Strengthen / Bolster now makes ‘effused_blood’ incurable if you have masochism.

Sciomancy / Malediction
– [3308] Malediction Tenebrosity has been renamed to Rancour and will cause spirit damage, instead of shadow damage.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 23rd of Sapiarch, in the year 1 AC.