31.3.7 Dia'varr

Constructed millennia ago in the ages following the conclusion of the Great Theomachy, Dia'varr is an enormous manufacturing plant - a temple built in homage to the Endless God of Time Aechros. In place of shrines and icons, however, only machinery presides, clanking gears and hissing steam a frequent companion to any and all visitors.

It was Dia'varr where the original Coggers dedicated their lives to researching the great metal constructs left behind by Aechros. Here, through toil and tribulation, they learned how to migrate their souls into those metal bodies and become something more than their flesh-bound forms. 

Over time, the Manufactory suffered deterioration when its stewards - those self-same Coggers - began succumbing to the rusting of their mechanical minds. In the modern day, while the Coggers maintain some semblance of order, Dia'varr finds itself subject to visitors terming themselves the Integrated - Tarpen who desire to become Coggers themselves and have grafted machine parts onto their own bodies in order to expedite the process.