20.6.14 Dia'ruis, the Plane of Life

Dia'ruis serves as the fledgling Plane of Life come anew, where the ancient spirits of the Wild reign supreme and without challenge in lockstep with their Sapient tenders; the woodland Council of Duiran. It is upon this place that the spirits of all beasts, fauna and fowl alike, come to await their birth anew into the Cycle as they take up lives beneath burgeoning skies of perpetual dawn and neverending dusk. Though currently smaller than its predecessor, Dendara, the plane of Dia'ruis is yet young and budding, consisting only of its transplanted regions that are beginning to grow and expand into the formless verdure of their new realm. It is yet unknown what form this development will take, or how the suckling domain will take shape beneath Duiran's tutelage and guidance, only that it continues to brood and grow, begging to take shape.

The realm of Dia'ruis came into being just past midnight on the 8th of Arios, year 504 of the Midnight Age. Beneath the full moon, Haern, the Hunter alongside Esrytesh Sibatti, the Witch of the Wilds, led the Duiran Council in an ancient ritual of blood and bone, calling upon a power not witnessed since long before Artifice struck it from the mind of Gods and men. Through the unwilling sacrifice of Holbrook Hought, and the willing sacrifice of Raest, the ritual allowed the Guardians to bestow untold power upon Haern. Together with the rest of the Duiran, the Hunter pulled the very moon from the sky, allowing the Celestine to intercede in the moment of reprieve and birth anew a Plane of Life with the untainted seeds of a dying Dendara.