19.4 Clients

A client is a program you run on your computer that allows you to play Aetolia. Aetolia provides several choices for playing, and even more third-party clients exist as well if the provided options are not sufficient.

http://client.aetolia.com/ - a HTML5-based client
http://www.ironrealms.com/game/flash - a Flash-based client
http://www.ironrealms.com/game/nexus - Nexus, based on Java

Alternatively, you may opt to use any of the numerous third-party clients. A quick search on your browser will assist you in finding them.

To connect to Aetolia using a third-party client, you need to specify the hostname aetolia.com, on port 23. If port 23 is blocked for you, you can also try port 2003.

Aside from simply letting you connect to Aetolia; the major function of a client is to provide you with macros. A macro is a single command, or a series of commands assigned to a single key. You COULD just use Aetolia's internal alias system (HELP ALIASES), but it is recommended you use a client as well. If you're interested in player vs. player combat, don't make the mistake of thinking you can do without a capable client with full-featured macro capabilities. Even if you typed 150 words a minute, you could not type fast enough.