Bards Come to Aetolia!

After the tumultuous Revelations brought about during the epic Shattered Souls event that concluded in March, Sapience enjoyed a relative period of quiet, with no resurrected Gods or world-ending threats rising to the fore. Yet while most thought the Elders dead and gone, a cult to Nalibhtavi, the Replete, revealed themselves, bombarding adventurers with propaganda…

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Fragments of Time: Part Eight

Following His summit with Bamathis, the Hunter began formulating His trap to ensnare the rampaging Yvalamon. From His halls in the Temple of Thorns He set to work, brooding over the final components that lay in a place no one wanted to go. Creeping rot infests Dendara, an unending onslaught of encroaching filth that slowly…

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Fragments of Time: Part Seven

While Sapience celebrated the defeat of the Haekathi and took a moment to relax, Copperhead had other things on its mind. Arriving in the City of Spinesreach, the Cogger commenced what would be a weeks-long search for the ‘non functional remnant’ to which it had been earlier alerted. Spirean reactions were a mix of alarm…

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December has arrived and that means it’s time for stockings! As always, they can be obtained from the Aetolia website at under ‘artifact packages.’ Per my previous post (Announce #3271), stockings have been majorly overhauled from previous years in order to make them significantly more rewarding. Take a look over that post or check…

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Cyber Monday Sale!

For the next 24 hours we are offering a special, one-off package of 100 bound credits for $14.99! This is an even better deal than standard no-brainer credits and is a one day offer only! These can only be purchased once per character, and to take advantage, visit On top of that, I’ve turned…

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Fragments of Time: Part Six

With the attack on their docks imminent, Enorian began to arrange their forces along the harbour, Kalena Emerson given command of the defence. With crew and guards stationed and ready, the rest of the continent mustered at Masilia in great numbers, ready to repel any Haekathi interlopers. Bulrok of the Carnifex marched legions of horrors…

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Fragments of Time: Part Five

The Midnight Serpent continued to terrorise the shores of Sapience as time moved into Ios, and Xaseira’s mission grew more desperate with each passing day. Now docking more frequently, the Haekathi found herself facing not the ragtag band of adventurers that first boarded her ship, but trained soldiers well-versed in her battle tactics. Forced to…

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Fragments of Time: Part Four

With the docks of Enorian in ruins and Sapience on high alert following the Haekathi incursion, tension gripped the continent as the world itself seemed to hold its breath, waiting in anticipation for the next inevitable calamity to strike. The wait would be a short one. Following a particualrly intense focus battle deep in the…

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The Midnight Serpent

Following the reappearance of the Haekathi in Masilia, a new instance has opened up for your enjoyment: The Midnight Serpent. The entrance can currently be found on the Scidve docks, but will be changing as the event continues to unfold! This instance has a bit of a twist to it, insofar as only one group…

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About an hour from now at the howling, we have a total of 15 auctions going live: 8 for credits, 7 for gold. There are no iron coin auctions this time unfortunately but I’m sure they will put in an appearance in the future. My plan going forward is to hold two rounds of auctions…

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