The World of Aetolia

For hundreds of years, Aetolians thought that their continent, dubbed Sapience, was the only land mass on their planet. They fought among themselves over religious differences, petty squabbles, and the ever-useful resource 'ylem'. Then, flying death machines filled the air, piloted by malicious Dreikathi, and Aetolians discovered a new world: Albedos. Some on this mysterious continent were open to learning their ways, and embraced them cautiously. Others sought only to subjugate the Sapient nations and do them harm. Now, as the Albedi pantheon of Gods stirs from a long and terrible slumber, those with their eyes to the future have plenty to fear from the new lands.

View map of Sapience

View map of Albedos


The City States of Sapience

The Duiran Council

Tucked away in the forests of Sapience, Duiran is a place for protectors and lovers of nature to safeguard the woodlands from all that would seek to do them harm. While they do not oppose or subvert civilisation, they are committed to the cycle of life and death, charged with no less than maintaining the sanctity of Dia'ruis: the Plane of Life itself.

Government: Player triumvirate, appointed by individual Guilds.
Tether: Spirit-aligned

Enorian, the Hammer of Dawn

Enorian styles itself the moral compass of Sapience, a place of righteousness and devotion to the Gods. Driven to do good works and cleanse the world of its manifold evils, Enorian will stop at nothing to bring the world into the way of the Light - and those who oppose them may repent, or burn.

Government: Democratically-elected player council
Tether: Spirit-aligned

Spinesreach, Dragon of the North

Spinesreach is a scientific bastion on Sapience, where physical force falls second to attempts to subvert reality itself. Home to Archivists, Sciomancers, and Syssin, the city is deeply entrenched in the study of Shadow. Defectors have even told tales of an attempt to escape reality altogether.

Government: Theocracy
Tether: Shadow-aligned

Bloodloch, the Sanguine Fist

Bloodloch, born of blood and tyranny under Emperor Abhorash Nehekhara, is a city where darkness reigns supreme. Strength and unyielding will are the cornerstones of life, crushing weakness and instilling fear. Within its shadowed streets, both the living and undead thrive in a relentless pursuit of power and domination.

Government: NPC-led authoritarian state. Elected player council.
Tether: Shadow-aligned

Known Civilizations of Albedos

The City of Delve

The first city to make peaceful contact with Sapience after the incursion of Dreikathi forces. Players are able to travel to Delve to do business and explore the rest of the continent. On most matters, their official policy is neutrality.


The mysterious home of the Dreikathi. While its emissaries have come to torment and abuse Sapience, no player has discovered the enclave itself.