September in Aetolia!

Hi folks!

September has arrived and this is IRE’s birthday month, so while we’re saying goodbye to Spoils of Creation, we are welcoming back both [0;1;37mCryptic Chests[0m with some new content, and [0;1;37mAntiquated Salvage[0m!

Every 100 credits purchased from the website will come with a piece of antiquated salvage, which is typically valued at 200 credits. These pieces may be traded to other players and used without bearing your mark, EXCEPT for purchasing the Antiquated Artifacts themselves. Once you obtain the first level, you can use any salvage you like to upgrade it.

[0;1;37mHELP ANTIQUATED ARTIFACTS[0m will be of interest to those who aren’t familiar with how salvage works, as well as HELP ANTIQUATED [RING/GOGGLES/GAUNTLET/CROP] for a specific breakdown of what each item does.

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Cryptic Chests can be found on the website ( under ‘artifact packages’. Opening a chest will award one or more prizes from a wide selection as outlined below.

Every 500 Cryptic Chests opened will trigger a global prize where one of the next 50 to be opened will contain a bonus of 500 credits on top of the other prizes!

Here’s what you might find inside:

– Chocolate bags, elemental globes, fireworks, customisation certificates, iron coins, morphic metal, ambience tokens, style points.

– Credit prizes ranging from 18 – 250.

– Various artifacts valued between 50 and 2000 credits.

– Minipets from a selection of old favourites, including: a moccasin hatchling, a mezilkree pup, a fire imp, a miniature rabid bush, a tiny piglet, and an orel hatchling

– Compendium pages for: Maestral Shoals, Endless Battlefield, Clawhook, Skythrone, Xaanhal, and the Volcano

– Wartorn caches which can be opened for several new cosmetics themed around imperialism and revolution: flair_defiant, phyl_defiant, vox_revolutionary, flair_imperial, phyl_imperial, and vox_imperial!

– Coffers with pieces from the new [0;1;37mMonomachy[0m relic set; these trade in for 30 credits per piece and include:

monomachy_cutting: PLANT this cutting in a location and it will sprout five branches. Whenever someone dies in the location it’s planted in, a branch will fall and cause a burst of room-wide healing. Expires when there are no branches remaining or after two minutes. There is a 10 minute cooldown before another can be placed in the same room.

monomachy_prism: While holding this prism, active abilities which move other players will bypass density provided the target has you allied. Does not affect passive abilities and will mark the ability as an assist.

monomachy_scorebook: This is a permanent version of the Sect Scorebook.

monomachy_wand: This wand allows you to conjure illusions in adjacent locations, but not your own. Syntax: CONJURE ILLUSION .

monomachy_spike: POINT this spike at a crystal aegis and you will strip it of its power for 5 minutes. This has a 15 minute cooldown.

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In addition to these, you will always receive a filler prize (grimstim pills, various consumables, omnipotence pills, etc). These do not count towards your chest’s value and are wholly extra!


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 22nd of Variach, in the year 512 MA.