100.99.5 Experimentation

An Alchemist's usage of Experimentation is not so trivial as the name may insinuate; from sentient experiments trained through rigorous and demanding protocol, to the creation of caustic and debilitating compounds, Experimentation to an Alchemist is where theory shifts to become a reality of their own making. 

Those well-suited for Experimentation will also find themselves capable of devoting their mind to certain scientific disciplines, creating and embarking upon expeditions, and even fashioning useful lab armaments from what little scraps may be found around them. 

No grand breakthrough has ever come about sans painstaking, often dangerous research, and the highest of skilled scientists know that the best results may only be achieved through setting aside the trappings of moral and principle in favour of that most sacred of oaths: discovery.

A number of Experimentation abilities require training in certain Disciplines. Acquiring this training can be done by visiting the alumni in the Spirean Institute, where you can STUDY UNDER <denizen> to gain their knowledge.