Year 510 Celebrations!

Hi everyone!

Year 510 celebrations have now officially begun! The year proper turns over in a few hours but we’re kicking things off early to align with the Howling. There’ll be two posts following this to formally open the Artisanal & Bardic competition and the Design contest, and the Starfall will take place shortly after.

As of now, the following bonuses are active and will run until 1st Variach 511 which is not until the 9th of July!

* Monday: Double milestone cap
* Tuesday: Double XP
* Wednesday: Favours for everyone
* Thursday: Denizens will respawn twice as fast after being killed
* Friday: Increased critical hits

Olleo has reopened his shop in the Harpy’s Head (v66737) with a slew of new wares and a return of some old ones for those who missed out!

Celsto is a Caentoi historian offering a daily quest surrounding his research on various battles and wars across Sapience and Albedos. You can find him in the Grand Library at v57294. Asking him about a quest will provide you with a notebook which can be [0;1;37mREAD[0m to obtain a clue for a denizen or a location – find the answer and [0;1;37mRECORD INTO NOTEBOOK[0m to complete this task for the day. Twenty completions will come with a unique reward!

As always, EVENTS is your best port of call to see what else is happening this month!

Happy Year 510!

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 23rd of Haernos, in the year 509 MA.