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Public News Post #6833

Deeds, Great and Small

Written by: Saidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji Arcan
Date: Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone


While I only stir lately from a long slumber, I awaken into a world changed greatly by the breach of Czjiteja and War spilled across our continent again.

Each city-state has taken different steps to destroy the enemy we hold in common. Some have left a greater lasting impact than others, and each of us justify our steps in this conflict in our own ways.

I will say this once: No matter the source, blood runs red in each of us.

Argue if you wish, politick if you desire. Disagree and admonish the steps taken by anyone and everyone in seeking to break the back of the Shadow Mother's onslaught.

But right now, one fact is indelible: Ohlsana holds a shard of the Sword of Truth.

I commend our Southern neighbors for recognizing the greater danger in this moment, and I look forward to working with you, as I are able, in purging the Empire's soil of the shadow-ridden abominations. May we then turn their attention beyond the Republic's northern borders before whatever foul work being wrought by our common enemy comes to fruition in the Primal Eye.

Once Her plan fails, And it will fail so long as we draw breath, then I invite you all, once more, to resume your, insofar unsuccessful, attempts at toppling the Citadel around my head.

For Sapience, let us unite once more.

Then for Strife, as well your combined rage, our perceived hubris, and your assured righteousness - return to the Dragon. I will await you at our Gates.

- Saidenn Tetzauh Ash'aji Arcan

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 3rd of Ios, in the year 505 MA.

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