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Public News Post #6832

A lesson

Written by: Pentarch Kalena Emerson
Date: Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
Addressed to: Seurimas

Your deflections are precious, but let me teach you a lesson you should have learned as a child.

Taking responsibility for your actions requires the realization that you play a part in every situation or experience and therefore, have a responsibility over the outcomes or consequences. Let me explain this as simply as possible: It means that your first reaction when a mistake is made or a conflict arises, isn't to blame others, point fingers, make excuses, deflect, twist the facts, or flat out lie. Instead, you swiftly acknowledge there is or was a problem, identify your role in it, and accept the consequences of your own actions.

Do you see what we did here? You may have heard it referred to as accountability.

Now that we have had a lesson in what should be common knowledge, the rest of us will return to fighting this war. But make no mistake, the three cities that have justly declared war on you? They have no problem fighting two wars: One against a greater threat, and one against the supposed Dragon that runs away when their city falls under attack. Or quits your militia to avoid conflict and consequences that you created. We are all painfully aware of who marched into those battles with troops and commanded them. Since you were not awake for those times, I will spell it out for your benefit: it was NOT Spinesreach.

Know your folly,
Pentarch Kalena Emerson

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 3rd of Ios, in the year 505 MA.

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