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Public News Post #6718

Harsh Reality

Written by: Sir Finid Gallant, the Wild Rose
Date: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

Reality is a pain in the bum.

For some of you, it is more apparent when you seem to believe that those of us who see the Cycle as something to value and be part of as people who should just as easily go against it by rolling over and dying. The Cycle itself is not some passive, meek thing wherein we go dancing about the trees proclaiming peace.


The Cycle is about the struggle of life and death. Predator and Prey, the endless hunt wherein we are born and allowed to thrive to one day visit the Underking's Halls. The Cycle is also wherein we learn what it means to fight for something far beyond ourselves. Something many seem to forget is that a simple altruism is indeed very, very true.

'Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.'

We of Duiran stand for something. We stand for Dendara. Perhaps she is injured, perhaps even in bad health, but remember this. For us, it is our solemn duty to see that the sacrifices which have been made to see Dendara return to health have not been in vain. To that end, though you call us murderers (which, by the way, have you happened to see kettle, pot?), in the end, we are hunters and huntresses, people with a sworn duty that we will see carried out to the end. If we must fall in the process, so be it. However, it will not be without taking our enemies with us.

As to those of Enorian, they know well who they are dealing with when they deal with us. Seeking to tell them the obvious or mislead them is not really that bright of an idea. In fact, one could just as easily call it a dim one. They are neither fools nor stupid. They know who they are dealing with when they deal with us.


Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 10th of Chakros, in the year 503 MA.

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