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Public News Post #574

You decided to team so will I

Written by: Tranquillity, Stillness on Water
Date: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
Addressed to: Arch Duke Jaime Nebre'seir

Jaime you teamed me with Alevar. I had tried to fight fair. Your sire
Utansi fought me one on one. I expected the same from you. I told you
each time before to challenge you. And you teamed me. So both you Jaime
and Alevar will be jumped and teamed.

As to you Alevar the reasons why I fought Jaime. He asked Utansi to
attack me. When I ask Jaime if he want to fight me, I expected him to
reply and not to jump me straight away. He didnt reply and just got on
with the attack. I could have said nothing and attacked him first. But I
didnt because I was naive. So I ask to challenge him again and I dont
think was out of order. This is when you come in to team me. As to Jaime
not wanting to fight me? Did Utansi give me a chance not to fight him
when we killed each other? He didnt. So why does Jaime expect the same
when Jaime basically jumped me the first time around?

The second time I set up my rite in the next room to fight him. He
walked in. *shrug* it wasnt my problem. I told him I was going to fight
him like a dozen times. It wasnt like I said nothing. Now just dont
expect me to ask you to fight or anything. Ill jump and team you and see
if you like it. If you want to fight dirty Ill do the same.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Chakros, in the year 76 MA.

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