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Public News Post #201

Your House and beliefs

Written by: Arch Duke Razlan D'baen
Date: Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
Addressed to: Master Jaeharn, Progenitor of House Al'kaern

Perhaps I am out of place speaking here, if so then I will accept any
punishment for such by His Imperial Majesty. Jaeharn, you and I have
never seen eye to eye on any subject, but you've had my respect because
of your place in the city. However, that time is over and it was you
that decided to leave, and so I wish to say a few things.

You are one who has the Blood within him. You are what mortals call a
"Vampire", a "monster". It is you as well as us, that are portrayed as
nothing but evil abominations who come in the night and drink from the
citizens of these lands in stories. Do you really think that will
change? You will always be who you are. His Imperial Majesty was right,
even though you do not wish to see it. You will feed, that is without
question. You will use the corpses of sentient beings to raise your
faithful minions. Where ever you go, whatever you do, death will follow
you as that is the road you have chosen so long ago. Do you really think
a drinker of Blood will truely be trusted?

Perhaps you will decide to only drink the blood of rats and other such
animals, but do you honestly think all those you sire will choose that
road as well? Sustaining yourself from such...filth ridden means is no
way to spend an eternity. There will be a day where you will once again
drink from the body of a sentient being, then all that you've said now
will be for naught. I'm sure there will be many of those you sire who
will not sink to the level of only feeding from animals, they will feed
from the beings within the lands, they will slaughter to satisfy their

Perhaps what I've said so far is a bit difficult to understand for some.
Then I shall move on to a much more simple fact. You said one of your
beleifs is that all should be treated as equals, you are not above, or
below anyone. No grudges will be held. This is what you've said, but
you've also said this.."I do not feel that it is appropriate to respond
to Abhorash's post, as he's really not worth my time". What is one
supposed to gather from that? Do you not place yourself above the
Emperor by saying that he isn't "worth your time"? All that you've said
so far have been nothing but words, words that contridict yourself. You
have given your word, your sacred bond and oath, and at that same point,
you broke it. Think carefully of your actions Jaeharn.

Arch Duke Razlan D'baen

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Midsummer, in the year 62 MA.

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