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Announce News Post #2693

June Promotions

Written by: Tiur, the Gnosis
Date: Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello everyone, it's time for the June Promotion!

First: Tuesdays are Double Exp Tuesdays for June. I hate Tuesday, so maybe this will alleviate some of its harsh pang. There will also be a total-thing-killed contest, which I note later in this post.

This month you can buy tokens for the Wheel of Fates directly from the website! It has its standard wonderful prizes, but also a few new things, and a few returning things!

Everyone has access to free spins for being logged in 60 minutes per RL day, and paid spins have special rewards: 50 Credits for every 50th spin, and 500 credits for every 500th spin. Also note that paid and free spins use different prize tables.

These are the new/oldish items being added to the Wheel-

A snowglobe of Spinesreach
* 5x a model Spire of Spinesreach

Upon being shaken, the snowglobe will cause a blizzard to grip the area
for 30 minutes. It cannot be used in a city, and can only be
used once per Howling.

A bag of seeds
* 4x a shimmering seed

You can SPRINKLE SEEDS in a room, and after a while the seeds will
sprout into flowers. The bag contains enough seeds for five uses, and
refills itself each Howling.


a bright-eyed sylskin
a bone-clad haunt
a runty horn demon
a birdlike automaton
a foul creature of stitched parts

Lottery tickets:
The lottery tickets gained from the wheel will be for one of My favorites:

A pair of Supreme Celestine bracers of devastation. That's Level 4 critical_chance!


Credit purchases will give one (1) racetrack ticket per ten (10) credits bought.

I'm sure you remember racetrack tickets and their usage in HELP RACETRACK... but that's boring! I always have to add a bit of a spin. So, for June, vakmuts are taking a much deserved break.

Instead, you may enter your own minipets! You may only submit one, so make sure you really like what you're putting up. It needs to be out with you when you register it as well. And it won't go anywhere! Somehow racetracks bend space and time! Also please note that racetracks decide their racers BEFORE you added your pet, so you won't see them racing immediately.


When you put your first minipet into the racetrack, you will receive a free racetrack ticket. You can gain as many as 3 more from all hunting during the month. In addition, the top 5 hunters this month will receive prizes in the form of racetrack tickets!

1st : 80 tickets
2nd : 50 tickets
3rd : 30 tickets
4th : 20 tickets
5th : 10 tickets

(Note, this event will not count towards overall ranking)

I will be watching racetracks and giving prizes for winningest pets. But the MOST winning pet will get a special prize! The city of the winner will receive their own minipet racetrack, and help us design their own announcer! This new track will be based on gold, of course.


New Artifacts are coming as well, but this is long, and those aren't really promotions, are they?



I know a lot of you don't like racetrack tickets. I will appreciate feedback in the Promotion thread on the forum regarding the changes. And to head off worries about the value/how to bet...

I could talk a lot of math here, but let me be blunt: The tickets are balanced like every other promotion, so you can expect them to be worth around 3 cr apiece. Bets that come to 4 credits are extremely likely, and if you hate gambling, those are the way to just get your direct return (but not a sure thing, be careful!)

In addition, the racers matter, and the handlers matter. If you work you can figure out the fastest combinations by the lowest prizes. Pay attention to names, and you might be able to figure out a sneaky pair that are undervalued.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 3rd of Khepary, in the year 466 MA.

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