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Announce News Post #2692


Written by: Oleis, the Infused
Date: Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

I didn't expect to make two goodbyes to you all! Rejoining Aetolia's team was an unexpected turn in my life but a great blessing to my sanity. Now that working all day every day for the last four years has paid off and I'm transitioning from two or three jobs into a teaching career, it's time for me to fade away a bit. I'll still be around, fixing bugs and continuing work on the giant project I started this month, but you're not going to see me while I do it.

Our choice of Tiur as the new Producer was an excellent one, and I'm so glad that you all have taken to him the way we have. I am extremely confident in his future plans and our team's ability to execute them. Naturally, I will help in ANY way that I can.

Now it's time for me to disconnect from the world for a couple weeks. Keep doing your thing, Aetolia. If I can leave you with one charge: please roleplay everything. If you have a problem, if you stub your toe, if you're tempted to send someone a tell, roleplay it. Explore the implications of every possible scenario for the joy of DOING it. You'd be amazed how much more you'll enjoy the game and how much more alive it'll feel.

Okay... Now imagine I'm making a heart with my hands.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 22nd of Chakros, in the year 466 MA.

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