18.2.6 Poker

There are many different kinds of poker, in Aetolia we play the no-limit Texas Hold 'em variant. To start a game of poker, you'll need to find yourself a dealer and don't forget to bring along at least one friend to clean out.

There are public tables at:
    Esterport, v53397

To start playing:
   The maximum amount of players one table can host is ten. 

   POKER BUYIN         - Returns the minimum buyin for the table.
   POKER BUYIN FOR <#> - Take a seat at the table as a player.

To stop playing:

   POKER LEAVE TABLE   - Quit the game and take your winnings.

Poker can be a challenging game as you play the others at the table, not only the cards. 
See the following help files for a break down of different aspects of the game.

   HELP POKER RULES    - Rules and terms regarding no-limit Texas Hold 'em.
   HELP POKER HANDS    - Possible hand combinations and how they rank.
   HELP POKER COMMANDS - All the commands related to poker.

   HELP POKER EXAMPLE  - An example of how a game might go down.