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Public News Post #171

Mining and gas clouds.

Written by: Tiase
Date: Sunday, April 14th, 2019
Addressed to:

Howdy Folks of Starmourn!

Ah' Tiase ahnd youse migh' knows me as a friendly space cat. Ah also'b a miner, haulin' back gas lik' tritium for youse folks to use. Now' 'ere be the thin':

...ONLY if you leave some behind as a 'seed'

If you'b greedy ahnd'b takin' ev'rythin' there be nothin' left for the poor ol'farmer who don' worked hard to finds this 'ere gas to grows it. Thin' of awwll the hard work theys'b puttin' in. It breaks mah poor heart, to thin' of t'farm'r losin' all their hard works.

If you finds some in the wild ahnd leaves some, you cans keeps comin' bac't 'the same place to harvest some, ag'in ahnd ag'in.
See easy peasy!

So kind folks of starmourn, please leave some behind as a seed to regrow over time. If ya don'ts Then we'b all bac's to scramblin' for resources ahnd havin' to spend all month lookin' instead of shootin', huntin', lovin' or drinkin' or any oth'r thin' that tak' youre fancy.

Ah done hea'd 'nuff gripin' ahnd done some mahself t'b'honest t'know that ain't nobody gots time f'r that!


This 'ere'b one of them fancy public service anno'ncements

P.S: Ah found an astromech ahnd some tethers floatin' in space. two or three month's back. If it'b youse, message me with where youse lost it. Ah can gits it bac't'ya. -XOXOXO

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