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Public News Post #3569

Celidon 2.0

Written by: Rei Lorianis, the Equinox
Date: Saturday, November 4th, 2017
Addressed to: Oystir Kyma'Dynesei, Misanthrope

Seeing you are always so eager to throw words around these boards, Oystir, here is my answer.

I'm not even going to go into the whole Sarrius mess, since even he himself so nicely said everything there was to say. He never spoke or acted for Celidon, and that much is already clear to everyone except you guys in Kinsarmar.

Let me make one thing clear though.
Celidon wronged no one and asked for nothing but to be left alone.

Funny thing though, even when the whole of Aetherius (and lets recall how much hate there is going around) decided that we are not worthy to be bothered with, it were our so-called allies that forced our hand. And yet, after the raid that was called upon only because my attempts to arrange a peaceful exchange fell on deaf ears, you are once again not satisfied! My my.

Perhaps, instead of bothering yourself with our future, you might want think about why both demonic AND anti-magic decided to swing by of their own volition while Celidon was trying to bring one of our own home. Truthfully, I would be more concerned about the amount of enemies you made than what apparently very content members of Celidon plan to do.


Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Artificium, in the year 148 AM.

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