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Public News Post #6353

The Maelstrom is returned!

Written by: Benedicto Silverain
Date: Sunday, May 31st, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

T H E M A E L S T R O M I S ,--,.,.+'
R E T U R N E D! /+````
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The seas are unforgiving. The seas are merciless. \+....

With the return of the Maelstrom comes a new direction, a new purpose
and a new drive. They seek strong and capable individuals to join
Their Order in order to progress these new tenets. Each prong of the
trident represents an element of the whole, a reckoning in three parts:

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The Portent

A warning, a sign. It can be as elegant or simplistic as necessary, to convey
the calamity that will ensue if it is not heeded. Every storm comes with
advance notice - the first whisper of rain, the roiling rain-laden clouds, the
crack of thunder splitting the air. Repentance is possible at this stage, a
moment of awareness to turn back before the stormwall hits.


As surely as the storm that follows the first smattering of rain, eradication
must follow the portent. Sweep away the debris that finds itself dissolved by
the endless endurance of water, and let it dissipate into the nothingness it
deserves for failure to heed the signs.


Take back what has been cleansed, build it anew. Remake it in the absence of
the tainted stench of undeath, the pervasive whisper of corruption. Allow the
disaster that was to become a distant memory, a footnote in the history books,
as you create something better out of what was.

If you this new direction of the Maelstrom intrigues you, if you with to enact
true change upon the world around you then seek us out.

Their Harbinger,
Sir Benedicto Silverain

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 1st of Chakros, in the year 488 MA.

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