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Public News Post #6251

Chaos War

Written by: Fezzix Sicarius
Date: Sunday, March 24th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone


Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Emperor of Chaos, has finally begun his invasion of the Prime Material Plane. To those of you who haven't yet been fighting, I'll give some brief details below to help you strategize and form groups.

Chaos forces are pouring in through rifts that open randomly in the continent. Pinpointing the locations of these rifts can only be done by luminaries and Officers of the Argent Legion. All of my Officers know to check periodically, and any luminaries awake should do the same with ANGEL RIPPLES.

Four types of demon make up the vanguard of Golgotha's forces in this war: Warlocks, Splitmaws, Bladespiders, and Gremlins. I'll detail their abilities below.

Warlocks are the weakest of the demons. They can stun you briefly, they deliver lethargy and confusion, and there is only one present per rift. Their health is relatively low, and once the warlock dies, the rift closes. While cutting off reinforcements is important, demons don't travel through the rift quickly enough for it to matter. I recommend saving the warlock for last unless the confusion they give is draining your willpower too quickly.

Splitmaws are the most dangerous demon variant of the four. They're strong, they're tough, and they deal trauma to your head. This trauma can't be parried. If multiple splitmaws manage to hit you at the same time, you'll find yourself falling unconscious and dying from a mangled head. Splitmaws should die first, always.

Bladespiders damage you while shriveling your legs. They don't deal trauma to your legs like a splitmaw will do to your head, but they can prevent escape and cause you to go prone. They're deadly enough by themselves, but if you're in the middle of restoring head trauma from a splitmaw, you'll find yourself prone for an extended period of time. I normally hit bladespiders after the splitmaws are all dead.

Gremlins deal high damage and can either deliver three random mental afflictions or two hidden venoms. A group of them can see you loaded with afflictions, but if you can withstand the damage, they're nothing more than a nuisance. I kill the gremlins after I'm done with the splitmaws and bladespiders.

If rifts are left unaddressed for too long, they spawn a maximum of roughly ten demons and set the surrounding area on fire. As I mentioned earlier, rifts open randomly during the week. This means that people who are normally awake when most others are asleep need to step up and get involved. I woke up this week to a dozen unchecked rifts and almost the entirety of Esterport on fire.

Luminaries, check for ripples and keep the continent informed. Legion Officers will do the same. It doesn't matter how small you are, the "slower" hours of the week aren't slow anymore.

Sapience doesn't lose wars. If we all stay vigilant, we'll win this one when Golgotha unleashes his full strength against us.

For Sapience,

Fezzix Sicarius

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 23rd of Lleian, in the year 479 MA.

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