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Public News Post #6247

The Argent Legion and its Mission

Written by: Fezzix Sicarius
Date: Sunday, February 17th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone


Rumors have spread about the Argent Legion's Mission and our stance on pockets of mortals who worship the Albedi Pantheon - Moghedu in particular. I'll address those rumors here and now, because telling people that the Legion hasn't yet turned its attention to Moghedu or other civilizations isn't enough to satisfy worries and suspicions.

The Argent Legion's Mission is to protect Sapience from external threats, most prominently the Albedi Pantheon. Unlike our Pantheon Who gain Their strength through Essence offerings at Their shrines, the Albedi Gods are empowered simply through worship. As such, the Argent Legion is compelled to stop that worship through whatever means necessary. Sometimes that involves violence, and sometimes violence isn't necessary or can actively work against the well-being of Sapience.

The Argent Legion takes its Mission seriously. We don't use it as an excuse to slaughter populations that might work against us in the future, nor are we paranoid enough to wipe out an entire group who have converted away from Albedi worship because of a "hunch" that a few of them might still worship in secret. If Enorian has managed to convert the mhun of Moghedu, then the threat has been addressed properly despite the idea that cultists would still exist. A few secret Albedi cultists is a smaller threat than open worship from an entire civilization.

When we say "For Sapience," we mean the entire continent, not exclusively Spinesreach or Bloodloch or the organizations linked to Shadow. The Mission involves everyone, and senseless slaughter or campaigns that aren't based on facts or well-researched intelligence will only turn people away from our Pantheon and aid the enemy. The Legion intends to rally the continent against a common enemy, and we will strive to foster public faith in us my maintaining our integrity. Without our integrity, we fail.

Failure is unacceptable.

For Sapience,

Commander Fezzix Sicarius

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 11th of Haernos, in the year 478 MA.

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